March 7, 2010


At the last meetings of the Guys Read Club and the readergirlz club, I encouraged all members to create a Shelfari Shelf. It's fun to see what others are reading and to read their opinions.

The website is or you can just click on the Shelfari logo on the right side of the page. All you need is to check with the adult(s) in charge of you to make sure it's OK and an email address. Once you have made your Shelfari Shelf, you can find other readergirlz or Mrs. Porter and be Shelfari friends. My Shelfari name is (surprise) Mrs. Porter.

readergirlz March meeting

Finally! After waiting through snow, sleet and scheduling issues the readergirlz finally met to disuss The Hunger Games. It was unanimously liked, though to varying degrees. Katniss is a strong, independent person, and many felt that there should be more books featuring girl characters like Katniss instead of the "traditional damsel in distress". Wow! Great comment and I will be compiling a list of such books for the readergirlz next meeting.

After eating, discussing, eating more and discussing more, we proceeded to make Oobleck. Usually, the readergirlz do some sort of computer-related cool thing or a craft, but this month we leapt into the world of wacky science. So much fun. Very creative used of food-coloring to create the tie-dye effect was employed by many. The only bummer was that it was not in a very good container for transport so the r-girlz had to dispose of their Oobleck before going home. However, corn starch and water are easy to obtain and hopefully many readergirlz will be concoting Oobleck to their hearts content this weekend.

The next readergirlz meeting will be Thursday, April 8th. We will be discussing The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart. See you then!