February 26, 2010

Lockerman Guys Read

The Lockerman Guys Read club met today. We discussed Skeleton Creek by Patrick Carman. It was a great book, there were lots of theories that guys had about the BIG secret and if there was a murder or an accident. We watched the last video together to see if we could figure some more things out. Creepy!!

We also made Oobleck. You need cornstarch, water and food coloring and a place where you can make a big mess. If you get food coloring on your hands, toothpaste will take most of it off. Mr. Oesterle came to the meeting this month and promises to return! Mr. Kotyk stopped in briefly to share his ideas. Sadly, Mr. Angeloni couldn't make it. :(

Our new book is The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. Come join us and talk about it at our next meeting on Thursday, March 25th.

February 17, 2010

We're Back!

Welcome Back to School! What a nice mid-winter vacation. Due to the snow days, the readergirlz Club meeting has been rescheduled for March 4th at 2:45 p.m. in the media center. We'll be discussing The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, so if you've read it ladies - come join us! Other big news will be the announcement of our March book.

February 14, 2010

What a month (so far)

Wow! Here it is, Valentine's Day, and we haven't been in school since February 5th. Hopefully everyone has done at least a little bit of reading. As of today, I've read 7 books (2,008 pages). Hoping to read at least one more before life returns to normal and we return to school on Tuesday.

Unfortunately, the Guys Read Club meeting last week was postponed due to snow. The new meeting date will be Thursday, Feb. 25th at 2:45.

Happy Presidents' Day tomorrow!

February 7, 2010

Snow Better Time to Read!

Wow! I've lived in Maryland my entire life and cannot recall ever seeing this much snow! While you're snowed-in, don't forget to spend some time curled up with a good book. I've finished three already - a mystery thriller by Caroline Cooney If the Witness Lied; Brett Hartinger's funny novel Project Sweet Life, the story of three15-year-old guys who try to fool their parents to get out of working summer jobs and have amazingly wild adventures instead; and Good Enough by Paula Yoo which is the story of a Patti, a high school senior, who has always tried to be the PKD (Perfect Korean Daughter) but decides to follow her heart with funny, embarrassing, and heart-pounding results! Enjoy the snow, be safe and READ!

February 1, 2010

Book Club Update/Book Review

All free copies of the book club books for the February meetings have been distributed. If you'd like to join us, please request a copy from the library or borrow a copy from a friend.

Yesterday I finished the book The Big Game of Everything by Chris Lynch. Grampus, a retired marine, owns a 13-hole golf course and his grandsons, money-loving Egon and guy-with-a conscience Onion Jock are going to work there for the summer along with their sister. Their hippie parents who own a barbershop/palm reading establishment jump in to create even more chaos.

The characters in this book were wonderful. If you have brothers/sisters/parents/grandparents or any combination of them, you will be able to relate to the characters in this book. You may even recognize some of them! I gave it 5 stars.