August 25, 2011

Moving to Edublogs

Our blog is moving to

See you there!

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to a brand new school year! What is new in the media center for 2011-2012? We have many, many new books available on our shelves and more are on the way. So many new things that we also have some additional shelves on order to help contain it all! Especially notable this year are the major additions to the graphic novel collection and the plethora of new material in non fiction. The 2011-12 Black-Eyed Susan Nominees are on display, ready to be checked out by those wanting to participate in the voting. We will also begin checking out eBooks through our Lockerman FollettShelf very soon. These books will be available to read anywhere you can access the internet.

Lots of things happening in the LMS Media Center. Stay tuned!!

January 9, 2011

Big Day Tomorrow!

Tomorrow morning, Monday, January 1oth, the American Library Association will announce its Youth Media Award winners. I will be posting the winners of the major book awards here on the blog and the books will be available shortly in the media center. Check the blog to see if one of your favorite authors is a winner!

January 5, 2011

Book Club Meetings

Huzzah! It's time to start-up book clubs again! If you are interested in joining either book club, please sign-up on the appropriate clipboard in the Media Center so I have an idea of how many folks to prepare for.

Guys Read Club will meet Wednesday, January 19th from 2:45 - 4:00 in the Media Center.

Readergirlz Club will meet Thursday, February 2nd from 2:45 - 4:00 in the Media Center.

I look forward to seeing everyone. Please be sure that your ride is here to pick you up at the end of our meeting time.

January 3, 2011

Welcome Back!

Lots of happy faces in the media center today! Hopefully we'll also have a bunch of new followers for the blog. I finished Heart of a Samurai late last night and will let you know about my next read tomorrow.

Hopefully everyone is doing a great job keeping up with their 25 Books goal for the school year. We are almost to the halfway point, so you should be in the middle of book 12 or have recorded 1200 pages at this point.

Also, please update your tracking sheet if you are reading Black-Eyed Susan nominees. Voting takes place in April, so there is still plenty of time to read the minimum of 3 books to be eligible to vote. Remember to complete a request slip if the book you are looking for is not on the shelf. If you do not have a tracking sheet, a list of nominees can be found at

January 2, 2011

More New Titles

In a last burst of reading before we return to school I am trying to get through the titles I brought home to review. Last night's reading was Scumble by Ingrid Law. This is a companion book to Savvy, which was on the Black-Eyed Susan 4-6 list last year. Although I did not read Savvy, I did not feel as though I had to in order to understand this story. Scumble was a great read on its own merits. The characters were believable and were able to annoy, amuse and concern me. This book would appeal to anyone who has ever felt out of place or who has a wacky family.

This morning, I started Heart of a Samurai by Margi Preus. This is historical fiction set in the mid-19th century and is based on a true story. So far, characters have been shipwrecked, rescued and robbed. At this point in the story, Manjiro (the main character) is faced with a life-altering decision. Could you turn your back on all that you know, the only people who connect you with your past and the opportunity to return home to take a chance on a better life? To find out what Manjiro decides, read Heart of a Samurai.

January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2011! A fresh new year with endless possibilities and hopefully much time to read! :)

Today is also the start of my 365 Project. I will take a picture every day this year and post it to my project site. I know that there are several budding photographers at our school. I encourage you to try this project as well. The 365 Project site is Check it out!